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Bump 911


Bump 911


Shaving, waxing and electrolysis cause razor bumps and aggravate ingrown hair conditions. Bump 911™ was formulated specifically to help reduce and control these problems, while also enhancing the overall condition of the skin.

Directions: Dampen affected area with cotton ball and air dry three times a day until bumps vanish. Then apply once a day to prevent reoccurrence.

Usage: For ingrown hairs or razor bumps apply morning and night until skin clears. For best results, continue usage after each hair removal process.

Caution: For external use only.

Warning: Do not digest. Flammable. Keep out of eyes. Do not use if allergic to aspirin. Not tested for use during pregnancy. Harmful to leather, wood, fine fabric and carpet. Do not use with hands.

Ingredients: SDA Alcohol 40-B, Deionized Water, Acetylsalicylic Acid, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca Alfernifolia), Willow Bark Extract, DL Panthenol, Aloe Vera Gel, Allantoin

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