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Black Queen MISSION

Black Queen Products

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Is this your sink?

Black women are natural hair scientists, deeply understanding their unique hair textures. With limited research focused on products for type 4 (Kinky, Coily) hair, they often find themselves without adequate options, and this leads to a vicious cycle of searching for new products, wasted money, and disappointment in discarded products that don't meet their needs.

Black Queen Hair Products specializes in the specific needs of Black women, acknowledging and celebrating the natural beauty of diverse hair textures. While mainstream products often overlook these specific needs, Black Queen Hair Products caters to the unique requirements of Black women to prevent the frustrating cycle of ineffective purchases. With its four-decade-long industry experience, Black Queen Hair Products empowers those to embrace their natural beauty and encourages them to celebrate their beautiful, unique hair textures.

Black Queen's philosophy for the past 40+ years has been to create uncompromising, quality goods at a reasonable price. We have a social responsibility to design products with pride and not to deceive consumers with tricks or gimmicks. 

While our products are far from perfect, we are constantly tweaking and improving our formulas based on natural and chemical innovations and your feedback. We're tired of seeing companies charging you more just because you're a woman of color.

We don't spend money on advertising, models, and billboards. But we will always spend extra on visible packaging & higher quality ingredients.